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The Sims 3: Nuking spammy party wishes

I was not planning on doing this, but the truth is that these damn wishes have been getting on my nerves for literally years, and only today have I figured out how to nuke them completely. For context, even merely visiting a lot a party happened to be on (as I unluckily happened to do) would trigger these wishes to appear, and the sim was plagued by them literally until their death — even rolling wishes to tell their own spouse to kiss someone else, instead of wishing to kiss them themselves! Absolutely absurd.

I don’t claim to be an excellent modder; rather than trying to find an elegant solution for this problem, I preferred to take an axe to its root 🙃 Does it work? Yes, and it’s good enough for me.

What this tutorial does:

Prevents 3 wishes from appearing — “Tell $Sim to Dance/Joke With/Kiss Someone”, which were apparently introduced in Late Night (EP3).

What hasn’t worked for me:
  • resetsim $Name, resetsim *;

  • Master Controller’s Reset Everything, Reset Sim, End Party (on household and City Hall), Reset Lot (on home lot);

  • DebugEnabler’s Object \ Reset; furthermore, DE didn’t show the sim involved in any active situation (e.g. attending party, playing instrument);

  • moving out and back in;

  • removing mods and CC and deleting .cache files;

  • traveling to another world and coming back.

What has worked:

Deleting the references to these 3 wishes in 2 resource files, an XML and a DMTR (what we'll be doing below).

What you’ll need:
  • S3PE;

  • a text editor (Notepad, Wordpad — I personally recommend Notepad++ as it's easier to work with).


1. Navigate to your install folder and locate the GameplayData.package file.

For me, it’s under D:\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin\Gameplay.

2. Open this file in S3PE and search for these two resources:

NAME:         DreamsAndPromisesNodes

TYPE:          _XML 0x0333406C

INSTANCE:  0x9A976C90ECC75C81

NAME:         Parties EP3

TYPE:          DMTR 0x0604ABDA


You can find them by sorting either by name or instance number. If you don’t know how to search like this, refer to step 5 of this tutorial (replacing the terms with what you need). After you found them, extract them without changing their filenames! After this, you can close the GameplayData file.

3. Create a new S3PE project and import the two extracted resources into it, save it (you can give it whatever name you want), then open the DreamsAndPromisesNodes in your text editor. Ctrl-F for the “Tell $Sim” string and you will find three nodes that look like this:


<Name>Tell $Sim to Joke with someone</Name>

<Category>Party Updates (EP3) - Misc (EP3)</Category>





<RequiredProductVersions>EP3</RequiredProductVersions>  <FeedbackFunction>SimDescriptionMatchesSubjectFeedbackFunction</FeedbackFunction>  <SecondaryIcon>w_tellsimtojokewithsomeone_s</SecondaryIcon>


Before deleting them (yes, you heard that right), take note of the part in bold, between the ID tags. Copy/paste the values into another document or write them down, whichever’s more convenient. The three values are:

Tell $Sim to Joke with someone: 171540818

Tell $Sim to Dance with someone: 171540819

Tell $Sim to Kiss someone: 171540820

You could probably use these values, but better safe than sorry!

4. You got all that? Good. Now exact revenge by deleting the three nodes that contain those 3 wishes (luckily, they’re all in a row), save your modifications, and open the Parties EP3 DMTR in a text editor like you did with the previous XML.

5. This time, Ctrl-F for each of the ID values you copied in step 3. The nodes they appear in will look like this, with the ID values now between the PrototypeID tags:

<InstanceNode d2p1:type="DreamNodeInstance" xmlns:d2p1="">









<AgeGroups />

<MoodFlavors />

<Careers />

<Skills />

<Traits />

<Relationships />



<StringKey />



<StringKey />



<StringKey />



<StringKey />



Unlike the previous nodes, these aren’t in a row, so be careful! Once again, delete the entire thing and save your modifications.

6. And finally, chuck that package into your Mods \ Packages folder. Of course, be mindful of any other mods that use these two resources (a quick way I check is to merge all mods and see which resources get crossed out). I haven’t encountered any issues, after several in-game weeks in the homeworld and traveling between worlds 👍

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