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Hi all! This website used  to be called "Corner of  Art", but, for the sake of having it sound marginally more interesting, I renamed it based on a username on a site I used to participate in. The current iteration of this website is also the final one, and it exists mostly for archiving purposes, but I may update it with creations in the future if/when I have time to finish a project.


I used to be interested in graphic design and was quite active in the anime wallpaper community, but real life and a diminishing interest have forced me to drop this passion of mine. As a result, this site is only here to feature any works I deem good enough to continue sharing. You may have seen me around under the usernames pandemonium91 or sweetdevil.

Enjoy your stay, and drop me a line if you find any dead links or just want to ask something!


Latest additions


2022.07.22 - added a tutorial for The Sims 3: Extract CAS Items from FullBuild.

2021.12.09 - added a tutorial for The Sims 3: Create CAS presets easily.

2021.02.09 - added a tutorial for The Sims 3: Nuking Party Wishes.

2019.09.20 - added a Tejina-senpai vector.


2019.07.02 - added a Yuri!!! On ICE vector.

2019.06.28 - added a Detroit Metal City wallpaper.

2019.05.26 - added a Card Captor Sakura wallpaper and the vector I used in it.

2019.03.20 - added two The Sims 3 tutorials: Clothing age conversion (how I do it), How to add thumbnails to custom roofs.

2019.03.12 - added 8k versions to the Lucky Dog wallpaper.

© 2019-2024 by Pande. Proudly created with

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